Sunday, November 02, 2008

Nine Months

Isaac was nine months in October. His physical development continues to be right on target. He is crawling like crazy, pulls up on everything, dances, and claps. He is starting to get curls around his ears, which I find adorable! He isn't babbling, which makes me worry(surprise!) but he laughs, answers to his name, and "talks" in his own way. The doctor said we won't worry about his language until after a year. At his well check he was 19 pounds, 13 ounces, and 27 and a half inches long. That puts him in the 25th percentile.
As for the allergies, we're still sorting it all out. We've switched him to Alimentum formula which is both gross and expensive, but he seems to be doing well with it. He is on two different antihistamines to help deal with the itching. He's reacted to all rosecea fruits and corn so we are having to get creative with what we feed him. He doesn't want to be spoon fed anymore which makes things that much more difficult. We are meeting with the doctor again in a month to decide where to go with his diet. If you think of it, please pray for his healing. It is so tough to see my little guy suffer.

1 comment:

The Caldwell Family said...

We pray for him daily. My heart goes out to you. I can not imagine what you go through. Know that we will continue to pray until the day he is healed. The Lord is good. We love you all and miss you.
