Monday, November 17, 2008

I Was Wrong

I owe my husband an apology. He LOVES bluegrass music. We had the Southern Ohio Indoor Bluegrass Festival on our calendar for months. He even took a half a day off work to drive to Wilmington to catch most of Friday's acts. I made fun of him. I asked if I should wear overalls, flannel, and black out some of my teeth for the event. Bluegrass is not my style. The discorded harmonies, twangy instruments and thick southern accents drive me crazy. I went to support him as he supports me in my hobbies. In spite of my complaining, the kids and I had a great time! The groups were amazingly talented. Most of the bands' members play multiple instruments and can break into four or more part harmony at any moment. They were quite impressive! I'm not really interested in buying a large quantity of CD's or programming Bluegrass Junction into my favorites on the XM radio, but I definitely have a new appreciation for the talent that goes into Bluegrass music. I'm sorry, Andy!

Isaac was adorable! He bopped up and down to the beat and waved his hands when the bands were playing.

The other two kiddos were crazy! They danced to every song in crazy flailing movements. The did a great job of entertaining the Centerville High School Band that was sitting behind us. I'm not sure the rest of the audience(average age: 65+) was nearly as amused.

Dailey and Vincent was one of the groups that performed, although the video is not from the festival we attended. They were, by far, my favorite.

We Avoided Disaster, Barely!

I finally pulled a friend party together for Xavier last Thursday. All he talked about was going to Pump it Up. So, I gathered 3 of his friends and arranged to meet them at Pump it Up for "drop in playtime" from 10-11:30. Then, we would go back to the house for lunch, cake, etc. Perfect, right? We arrived promptly at 10 only to discover that they do NOT have drop in playtime on Thursdays. They were expecting a field trip from one of the local schools that would fill the building. WHAT!? I PROMISED my son he could go to Pump it Up for his birthday. I feel like such a schmuck. I pulled the flyer off the desk and showed the lady...It says Wed-Fri for drop in playtime, NOT Wed, Fri or Wed and Fri. Doesn't Wed "DASH" Fri mean Wednesday through Friday? She apologized for the misunderstanding but said there was nothing she could do. ARG!
So, I turn to Xavier and say "How about Chuck E. Cheese, Buddy?" He gets this sad, wounded look on his face and says, "I don't want to go to CEC, I want to jump!" My heart was breaking and I had to try really hard not to cry. I looked at the lady and she just shrugged. ARG!
After it all, Xavier decided to take his friends to CEC and had a good time. It wasn't his dream party, but we made the best of it. Thanks to all his friends and their parents for being flexible!

Friday, November 07, 2008


It is parent observation week at Brooklyn's dance studio this week. Yipee! It was really fun to see what they've been up to since classes began in August. Her competition team is composed of nine 3 to 6 year olds. That has to be interesting for her teacher! One major difference I noticed between the normal combo class and this year is the focus on stretching-as Brooklyn calls it. They spend a decent amount of time working on splits, flexibility, and extensions. Brooklyn despises the crunches.

Dancing buddies; Avery, Brooklyn, and Jamison

How does she do that?

We're still working on this one. I took this right before she fell over. She doesn't seem to have as much of a problem with the extension as standing on one foot!

The group is dancing to Humhumunukunukuapua'a.

A Trip to the Firehouse

Xavier's preschool class took a trip to the Marysville Fire Station on Monday. The original plan was to drive(two blocks!) to the fire station so the kids wouldn't tire out. It was too gorgeous of a day(70 degree weather in November?), so Xavier, Isaac and I broke the rules and walked to the firehouse. Isaac was a total grump during the presentation and really needed a nap. I tried desperately to rock him to sleep so he would stop distracting the other kiddos. Finally, I had success! Then, I had the joy of lugging almost 20 pounds of dead weight up and down the stairs while trying to get photos of my neglected middle child. What you see is my attempt at success.

This was the highlight of the trip. All the kids ooh-ed and aah-ed at the fireman's slide down the pole.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Nine Months

Isaac was nine months in October. His physical development continues to be right on target. He is crawling like crazy, pulls up on everything, dances, and claps. He is starting to get curls around his ears, which I find adorable! He isn't babbling, which makes me worry(surprise!) but he laughs, answers to his name, and "talks" in his own way. The doctor said we won't worry about his language until after a year. At his well check he was 19 pounds, 13 ounces, and 27 and a half inches long. That puts him in the 25th percentile.
As for the allergies, we're still sorting it all out. We've switched him to Alimentum formula which is both gross and expensive, but he seems to be doing well with it. He is on two different antihistamines to help deal with the itching. He's reacted to all rosecea fruits and corn so we are having to get creative with what we feed him. He doesn't want to be spoon fed anymore which makes things that much more difficult. We are meeting with the doctor again in a month to decide where to go with his diet. If you think of it, please pray for his healing. It is so tough to see my little guy suffer.

Power Rangers and a Dragon

Xavier's buddy Jack stopped over before trick or treat started. They are so excited that they have the same costume!

Happy Isaac sans costume.

Trick or Treat was a lot of fun this year. Brooklyn had this grand idea to invite our friends from Alliance to our house for Halloween. I laughed it off as one of Brooklyn's hairbrained ideas until I mentioned it to them. They said yes! They arrived just in time to bolt out the door into the most perfect Halloween weather. It felt like fall, but was warm enough for no coats. We had four Power Rangers; blue, red, white, and pink. Brooklyn had to remind everyone that they were all from Jungle Fury, but she was from Operation Overdrive. Whatever! Isaac was dressed in the most adorable dragon costume, but he hated the hood! He was much happier once I took the jacket off.
The kids have always done two laps around the block(once on our side of the street and once across the street) and decided that was enough. This year, they were running so far ahead we had to set some rules for waiting for the adults. After the two laps, they weren't quite done so we ventured out further. Unfortunately, they burned out before we were back and we had to practically drag them home. Some chili and candy from their bags perked them right up! Thanks for making the trip, Kings!

All Guts, No Glory

We always wait until the last minute to carve our pumpkins. So, at 4:30 on Halloween night, we dug into the slimy stuff. Brooklyn wanted to design her own face this year, which prompted Xavier to request the same. He wanted an angry face, and Brooklyn wanted one with fangs. Once I looked at Brooklyn's creation, I had to try really hard not to laugh. Her pumpkin's mouth was so tiny and intricate, I don't think I could have carved it with a sewing needle. She was so upset because she couldn't erase it. We finally fixed it, but the final product had some pen marks remaining and they don't really look like fangs. Neither kiddo was a big fan of the "guts." Xavier kept saying eww, and Brooklyn would only use a spaghetti spoon to scrape her pumpkin. She did get the bright idea to try to chase me with the guts. Thankfully, as of now, I am still faster than she is! We had a great time, but I wish Andy was home to deal with the gooey insides. Andy's mom made some tasty pumpkin seeds. I burnt them last year!


Xavier's actual birthday was another whirlwind. He had to take a birthday snack to school which couldn't be cake or cupcakes. He chose brownies with neon dinosaur sprinkles. It was much more fun to make the brownies with Xavier than to throw them together while he was sleeping. We met his friend Jack at the McDonald's Playland for some lunch and Power Ranger playing. After school we gave him his "big" present from Mommy and Daddy. After the Nintendo DS Lite arrived, all we saw was the top of his head for the rest of the night. He chose Old Towne Inn(because they have great breadsticks and mac and cheese) for supper. He said it was a good day, but is still looking for his "kid party." I'm working on it!
During his well check on Tuesday, we discovered he is square. He is 43 inches tall and weighs 43 pounds. Both put him in the 90-95th percentile. All looks great!