Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Here Comes the Sun

I took this picture out the back door on December 23rd. This is a regular sight. I am amazed at what I was missing in my subdivision living. The sky is absolutely breathtaking.

Christmas Programs

Xavier's preschool Christmas program was held on December 10th. The preschool and pre-k kids each perfomed a variety of songs then had a cupcake reception in the gym. It was so cute! I had tears in my eyes watching my adorable little boy concentrate to hard to sing and do the motions to four different songs. I wish, wish, wish I had it on video.

Brooklyn's Christmas program was held on the following Sunday. The second graders at Trinity are required to memorize 16 verses of the Luke 2 Christmas the King James Version! I am amazed at the poise Brooklyn shows on stage(thanks, dance teachers!) The moment the spotlight hits, she drops her shoulders, lifts her chin, and beams. The actual program was, once again, the fifth and sixth grade show...but it didn't bore me to tears this time. Can you find Brooklyn this year? I put in her mall hair and put a GIANT bow on her head. She was pretty easy to spot!

Stockings and Stuff

We didn't haul out the holly the weekend after Thanksgiving this year. Because of scheduling conflicts our Christmas decorations didn't come out of the boxes until the evening of December 5th...just in time to hang up our stockings! The ornament box was open a total of 30 seconds before the first bulb was broken. I'm not sure which child handed Isaac the breakable ornament, but sadly, it did not survive. Isaac was given the honor of putting the angel atop the tree this year. I am a very bad parent and have no photos of the older two decorating the treee.
The kids enjoyed digging through their stockings. Brooklyn received a pitcher plant and Xavier received a venus fly trap. Most of the morning was spent gathering dead flies from the windowsills to feed the new plants.