Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A Visit With G.G.

We went to visit my Grandma over the weekend so she could meet Isaac. We had a nice time, but I was afraid the kids were going to destroy her apartment!

Captain Disaster

Faster than a speeding bullet...
More powerful than a locomotive...
Able to crash into tall buildings in a single bound...
It's Super-Xavier!
The latest injury was a crash and burn at the McDonald's playland. Isn't his head full of beautiful colors? Seriously, are all boys like this?

2 month appointment

Isaac had his 2 month appointment this morning. After 4 shots, an oral vaccine, and a dose of Tylenol, he's ready for a nap!
Here are the stats:
weight: 14 pounds, 14 ounces
height: 24 1/4 inches
Everything looks great!

Isaac at two months

This was the shocker for me. I thought Xavier was my moose of a kid...
Here are his stats at 2 months:
weight: 14 pounds, 5 ounces
height: 24 inches

Xavier at 2 months

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

8 Weeks of Isaac

Isaac at 2 days. He's wearing a newborn sized sleeper. It was huge on him!

1 week He was just a little(ok, a lot) yellow!

2 weeks

1 month

7 weeks

8 weeks

I wish you could see from this picture...I think he's going to have the "freakishly long eyelashes" (thanks, Julie!) like his brother and sister. What he's losing in hair, he's gaining in eyelash!
It's amazing how much they change in such a short amount of time! He's now made the transition to 3-6 month clothing. I'm really curious to see how much he weighs at his 2 month appointment next week. I'll keep you posted!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Wacky Weather!

Monday it was 65 degrees...

Tuesday night we had an ice storm. By the time it was over, we thought we were going to lose our Birch trees due to the weight of the ice on the trees. Andy found a branch drooping onto his car when he went to leave Wednesday morning. It took quite some manuvering to get the car out of the driveway!

Starting Friday morning, the Blizzard of '08 rolled into central Ohio. By Saturday night, we had 20 inches of snow! We stayed inside on Saturday and watched it all come down. Forced family time is sometimes a blessing! It was a fun day! Sunday was clean up day. Andy and the two older kiddos shoveled the driveway then took some time to play in the snow. I stared longingly out the window with a baby in my lap. I think Isaac is a little young for sledding, but I was tempted! Plus, my inner scrapbooker screamed that I needed to get some pictures! I'm curious to see if Brooklyn will go to school tomorrow. We already have one day to make up!

Monday, March 03, 2008

All Smiles

Isaac started smiling at about four and a half weeks. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get my camera to snap fast enough to catch one! I live for those crinkly eyed, lopsided grins! I took this one today(check out those cheeks!) and it's the best so far. He's really starting to interact with us. If we could just work on sleeping through the night...