Sunday, September 14, 2008


I really debated posting this but decided I needed to record this for future scrapbooking pages. Life is never dull with Mr. Xavier. He had his second soccer game this weekend. He is definitely getting more comfortable on the field which means he's more intense in his playing. He scored two goals on Saturday and though he didn't jump up and down I could see the small smile of satisfaction on his face. Anyways, another boy on his team was disappointed that he didn't get to score a goal and was feeling a little sad. In between the third and fourth quarter the coach tried to cheer him up by getting him to run around the field. He said, "Let's see how fast you can run!" The boy took off running across the field to the other side then turned to come back to the coach. At the same time, Xavier says, "I can run fast too!" and takes off running. Can you see where this is going? Both boys were so intent on their speed they weren't watching WHERE they were running...HEAD ON COLLISION. They both went down and parents came running. Xavier walked away with a goose egg and bruise on his forehead. The other boy was bleeding from everywhere and got a ride in a Marysville ambulance. Poor Xavier felt terrible! He's asked about his teammate almost every hour since the incident. He's asked to pray for him at every meal and bedtime. Thankfully, we talked to the parents today and the boy is healing with a few stitches and a fat lip. What's next?

The reluctant Sharks finished their game.

Ambulances are really cool to three year olds until they know the person inside.


I'm trying to exhaust Xavier so I enrolled him in the ZooKids program at the Columbus Zoo. He goes to a class with his friend Grace for 3 hours once a week during the month of September. While Xavier is thoroughly occupied with touching small alligators and learning about endangered species, Isaac and I wander the zoo with Grace's mommy and little brother. Grace, and Xavier have been buddies since they were born(two weeks apart!) and her brother and Isaac are only a month apart! This week, Andy joined us in our adventures. It was really nice to have him home during the day, but I really missed him at night!

Two in school!

Xavier started his first day of preschool last Wednesday. He was so excited he could hardly wait to get to his class. We enrolled him at Trinity so he and Brooklyn are in the same school. We allowed Xavier to pick any restaurant in Marysville for lunch, then carried it in to Brooklyn. Xavier felt like such a big boy eating in the cafeteria. Brooklyn was the envy of all her classmates because she was eating Wendy's instead of beef pie(eww?) Xavier's teacher asked that a parent stay during the first day of class to make the transition easier for the kids. Xavier didn't really want a parent to stay until he found out Daddy would be the one attending his class. Andy was on second shift last week so he was home during the day. I had a hard time letting go of the first day of school(surprise!) but knew this would be one of the few opportunities Andy would have to be part of Xavier's school activities. I think they both had a great time! Andy said Xavier was a great listener and followed directions wonderfully! He's already made a new friend. He hasn't stopped talking about "that girl in the blue shirt," aka Molly. She taught him how to pump on the swings! I'm looking forward to a fun year for Xavier and some peace and quiet during two afternoons a week!

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Go Sharks!

Soccer season has offically begun for Xavier. His first game was this morning. We were told their team color was going to be yellow. The boys picked the team name of the "Yellow Sharks." When the jerseys were passed out, they were red! Xavier didn't mind at all. He was so happy to have a jersey, any jersey!
The game itself was hysterical! I appreciate my son so much more now that I have experienced twelve three year olds together on a soccer field(they play 3 on 3). I don't think the other team had a single child that didn't cry at some point during the game. Xavier did a good job of handling the ball and even scored a goal! He doesn't seem to have that crazy competitive drive(yet!)that I expected from him. I asked him what his favorite part of soccer was and he said "chasing the other guys and trying to steal the ball!" I think we may have a future defender on our hands.

Brooklyn was happy with her new role as team cheerleader.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Pickin' and Grinnin'

I took Xavier and Isaac apple picking yesterday with a friend. Xavier complained the entire time out to the orchard. He thought it was going to take a long time, he doesn't like apples(since when?) and it was too hot. After he discovered we were picking with Ms. Julie, took a tractor ride, and filled his own bag to the brim, he couldn't stop telling me how fun it was! I'm looking forward to making some yummy applesauce!

For all those concerned viewers out there, no allergic babies were harmed in the photographing of apple picking. Isaac's teeth never broke the skin of the apple.


I could't pass up posting this picture. The kids LOVE their Opa. They are thrilled that he is retired so he can come visit with Oma every week. His silly antics get Xavier giggling like no one else.

Labor Day

Over Labor Day weekend we traveled to see some friends who recently moved to the country. It was beautiful! Their house sits atop a hill surrounded by rolling fields and woods. We had a bonfire, which nearly overtook our blanket, stroller, etc., complete with tasty s'mores. Brooklyn learned the fine art of toasting, rather than burning the marshmallows to a crisp. She was rather proud of her accomplishment. Xavier didn't care, as long as it was accompanied by chocolate and graham crackers. The kids romped in the fields, went for hikes in the woods, and took a dip in the nearby lake. It was country living at its best! Andy would love to live in the country. I was almost convinced during this visit until the multiple near misses with deer during a drive. I'll continue my suburban living for now. Thanks to the Boyds for their wonderful hospitality. We can't wait to hear your baby news!