Thursday, August 28, 2008

The latest

Isaac is officially on the move! He started crawling last week and is now pulling up to standing every chance he gets. He has no interest in sitting anymore. His physical therapy evaluation is scheduled for September 30. He's still itchy and rashy, but seems to be improving. The latest food issue is apples and pears. He seemed to do fine with the baby food, but eating the fruits raw caused a major breakout and puffy eyes. Will this ever end? Probably not, but we're dealing with it.

Thankfully, he's not that fast yet.

The kids love giving him a bottle. Xavier will sit and feed him an entire bottle!

Xavier took this picture. Isaac currently has six teeth.

This is a glimpse into the next few months. He's just starting to get into things. Here, found the marker box. Isn't that a lovely blue stripe on his face? Of course, he chose one of the very few non-washable markers.

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