After Union County declared a level 3 snow emergency, Honda cancelled work for the day. The kids had so much fun having an unexpected day to play with Daddy in the backyard. We even built a snow fort! The kids didn't understand why Mommy and Daddy couldn't fit in too. I can't think of a better way to spend Valentine's Day than to pummel the family I love so much with snowballs and laugh until our sides hurt!
Saturday night we went to the Chiller in Dublin to go ice skating. We had a blast! Andy and I needed some serious chiropractic work and a foot massage from spending so much time holding up the kids, but it was worth it! Brooklyn was able to take a few "glides" on her own and Xavier did really well for his first time on the ice. We all hope to go back soon. There were many tears when it was time to leave.
I'm a little behind, but a couple of weeks ago we had our first substantial snow. The kids couldn't wait for it to stop snowing so they could get outside. Once we got them dressed in enough layers to rival Randy on A Christmas Story, they ran out into the glorious white stuff. Brooklyn immediately dove into the snow for a quick snow angel. She also thought snow tasted pretty good. Xavier wasn't so sure. He thought it was awfully cold to be outside. He decided that sledding was a pretty fun thing to do. After all the fun, there was work to do. Brooklyn and Xavier each have a child sized shovel. While Andy and I shoveled the driveway, they tackled the yard?! Xavier decided it would be fun to dump a shovel full of snow onto the dog. Lucky for her, she has pretty quick reflexes and got out of the way. Next, Xavier went after his sister. He carried a full shovel across our entire front yard to where she was loading the sled full of snow. She had no idea he was coming. I was having way too much fun watching to warn her of the impending doom. He raised the shovel as high as he could and let loose, unintentionally,...on himself!! It was all I could do to swallow my laughter as I brushed the snow from his face. Hopefully, that taught him a lesson!
Wrapping Up Berlin And Destination Munchen
Our last day in Berlin was spent visiting the German Parliament. Berlin is
like our Washington DC. We saw where the chancellor (president) does all
her ...
Download The Antioxidant Miracle Books PDF Free
The Antioxidant Miracle PDF
By:Lester Packer,Carol Colman
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Imagine there was an easy way you could keep your heart strong...
My Metal Mouth
I cannot believe I STILL have not updated my blog from all the events of
the summer. I'm terrible. I do have a free moment right now while Max and
Chris ...
I'm Slowly Catching Up!
I know, I am sooo behind on updating my blog! BUT, I am slowly catching up!
I am working on the posts from our second adoption which will close out
2015 an...
Recent media: 20 Inspiring Women in Food
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Random Phone Pictures Jan 2011 - Jan 2012
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share some of them with you. It is becoming ever so clear how daunting the
task wil...
Rudolph the Semi-Decapitated Reindeer
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Redbox to return a movie that we had watched on New Year’s Eve (we are
super big par...
We Moved!!!
Cake Wrecks has moved! You are being redirected to the new site!
If the redirect doesn't work, please go to either or
Tyler and Homecoming
My high school, Walker Valley, celebrated Homecoming last Friday night.
Tyler was asked to serve as the junior attendant for the event...