Saturday, December 08, 2007

Hang up the stockings!

We hang our stockings up on December 5th and open them on the 6th. The kids were very patient and waited until Daddy got home in the afternoon. Xavier's stocking survived an attack by Ellie. She smelled the M&M's through the plastic wrapping and rummaged through the presents all the way to the bottom of the stocking without damaging the stocking! It's a miracle! She was in serious trouble! Thankfully, she didn't get sick.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Rigging up the lights

Does anyone notice a concentration of ornaments in a certain area of the tree?

Keeping with our tradition, we put up our Christmas decorations the weekend after Thanksgiving. Xavier was thrilled that Daddy let him help get the tree out of the box. Brooklyn spent most of her time wearing reindeer antlers and running in circles. Xavier had the honor of putting the angel at the top of the tree and Brooklyn turned on the lights. It was a fun, relaxing morning. Next year, we'll probably be trying to keep baby #3 from pulling the tree down! Oh what fun!

Perfect, posed pictures in front of the tree? Not so much.

I'm Thankful I'm Not a Turkey!

Brooklyn was a Pilgrim for her class party.

Her kindergarten class played hot potato sans music. That was wild!

Xavier's favorite spot-atop Opa's tractor

Brooklyn enjoying the fruits of her labor...peanut butter pie.

We headed to the Heller Homestead for Thanksgiving this year. When I asked Brooklyn what she was most thankful for, she said "pie!" Xavier just looked at me blankly. We enjoyed spending time with family and, as always, Andy's mom prepared tons of yummy food. Our favorite event had to be the tractor ride through the woods. After a scary, slippery ride down a hill we were able to stop at a neighbors farm to swing on a rope, teeter-totter, and tromp through the woods looking for a beaver dam.

Monday, November 19, 2007

A New Room

Getting all ready for bed.

It only took four coats of metallic silver paint to produce these!

The bunk beds were Andy's when he was little. Next step, curtains and accessories!

Snug as a bug! Now don't fall out!

In preparation for the new baby, Xavier has been evicted from the nursery. It took Andy a week to paint the walls and the beautiful silver racing stripes in the guest room. Every night, Xavier would ask if it was finally time to sleep in his new room. Last night was the night! He is disappointed that he is not allowed to sleep on the top bunk, but we convinced him that he would eventually be moving up once his brother is old enough to take over the bottom bunk. The night passed without any problems. He's growing up so fast!

Go Bucks!

Michigan, yuck!

With Andy at work, the kids and I attended the annual Bautsch OSU vs. Michigan party. The kids had a great time playing with friends and eating all sorts of treats. Brooklyn tried to be a good cheerleader by yelling O-H at the most inopportune moments. I don't think Xavier even knows the team is really the Buckeyes. He calls everything, his jersey, tatoo, hat, etc., his "go bucks" stuff. Andy was able to catch the last half of the fourth quarter. They won, that's all that matters, right?

Thursday, November 08, 2007

The Latest...

Xavier-3 years

Brooklyn-5 years

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Riding His Horse

Xavier is enjoying riding his bike on the last few days of bearable weather. He selected a knight's costume from Target's clearance rack and is now calling his bike "his horse." When he falls off, he claims his horse has died and needs someone to help revive it.

Dancing Queen

It's that time of year again! Brooklyn's dance class allowed us to observe Tuesday night. It's amazing how far they've come in just 3 years of dance!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Trick or Treat

Brooklyn had been waiting for this day for months! She could finally wear her Sleeping Beauty costume created by Grandma for all the world to see! I didn't think we were going to get Xavier out the door. He did not want to dress up. Period. Once again, the promise of candy got him into his costume. He looked adorable in another creation by Grandma, Jack Sparrow. He refused to wear the hat/hair, but Andy looked pretty spiffy in it. After that, Xavier was off and running! We tried to keep up with our neighbors, but they were too fast! It might have something to do with the fact that Brooklyn had to sing the Little Einsteins Trick or Treat song at EVERY house!

Belly Laughs

I wanted Brooklyn to paint my belly when I was pregnant with Xavier, but it never happened. I figured this was my last chance, so Monday night the kids painted my rapidly expanding belly to look like a pumpkin. After they were finished with mine, they decided they each wanted a pumpkin on their bellies. Unfortunately, by the time we were finished it was time for bath. They weren't too happy to see their hard work scrubbed off so quickly, but we had a great time in the process.

Happy Birthday Xavier: Take Two

After a quick nap and a tour of the Honda plant, we were on to birthday party #2. Oma, Opa, Uncle Joe, Aunt Catharine, Uncle Scott, Grandma, and Grandpa drove in to help celebrate. When I asked Xavier what he wanted for supper on his birthday, he answered "cake!" That's my boy! When I asked him what meat he wanted, he replied "octopus!" Hmmm...that one might be a little difficult. Finally, he decided he wanted "little chickens" for supper. That one we could handle! After a delicious meal of cornish game hens prepared by Andy(I was too tired!) we celebrated with cake and presents. It was a busy, but fun day!

Happy Birthday Xavier: Take One

Xavier turned 3 on Saturday. He said "I want a party...with friends." So, in classic Beth style, we threw one together in less than a week. The cars themed party included 6 girls and one Xavier. In a few years, he'll think it was the best party ever! We decorated wooden race cars, ate cars cupcakes, and whacked a cars pinata. The pinata was almost indestructable! After each of the kids had a turn with the whiffle bat, we graduated to the wooden bat. No luck! Andy and our neighbor took turns pitching it to one another and taking swings. Still no luck! Andy finally tore the thing open with his hands and dumped the candy on the ground. The candy was demolished, but the kids ate it anyway! The party was a big success!